Friday, May 13, 2011

Money for Past Fashion Fails??

Well  Posh Culture stumbled on a fun fashion competition that we thought you all would like. It has to do with MONEY $$ and  a picture from your bad fashion past.  Can you take a wild guess???

Well Piperlime is having a photo contest called Crimes of Fashion. All you have to do is go on their page on Facebook, turn in your name and a photo of yourself rocking that ridiculous outfit you thought you looked hot in at the time you wore it and voilà! you are in the competition.  You must be 18 to enter by the way. The competition ends May 18th, so hurry...

Here is their Facebook link:

If you have ever committed any fashion crimes and would like to win some extra cash, this competition is for you.

For those of you who decide to enter, Good Luck and may the ugliest outfit win!!!

The pleasure is ours,

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